Public Works Permits Annual OS/OW Company Move Permits Permit # ACMP-2018-0016, App # 2018-0015, UID # 31754
App. Status: Expired
Valid: 07/16/2018
Freeborn County Public Works
3300 Bridge Av
Albert Lea, MN 56007

Company Information

Company Representative:
Fred Schroeder
Company Name:
Monson and Sons Inc
(515341 - 5583
Mailing Address:
216 5th st nw
Britt IA 50423
Insurance Company Name: cottingham and butler
Policy Number: X89622
Amount Insured: 4000000


Terms and Conditions
    PERMIT VALID PERIOD. Single move made under this permit will expire 5 calendar days after permit date of move or approval date, which ever is later shown on this permit. This window allows for weather changes, equipment breakdowns etc.
    PHYSICAL ROUTE SURVEY. Freeborn County issues this permit for oversize, but does not guarantee the clearances needed for your load. The Permittee shall inspect the route prior to the move and verify there will be no issues associated with the route, including review of any bridges along the route.
    COPY OF PERMIT. A copy of the permit and any applicable attachments must be carried in the vehicle during transport and made available upon request to law enforcement or County officials. In lieu of a paper copy, an electronic copy of the permit may reside on a portable electronic device (smartphone, laptop, tablet, etc.) as long as it is a complete and legible copy of the issued permit.
    ADVERSE WEATHER. Movement is not allowed during hazardous weather or road conditions, or when visibility is less than 500 feet, or when winds prevent the vehicle from staying in its travel lane.
    REAR VISIBILITY REQUIRED. Vehicle shall be equipped with a rear view mirror(s) that provides the driver with a view of the highway for a distance of at least 200 feet to the rear of the vehicle.
    USE OF FLAGS. Red or orange warning flags, 18 inches square, are to be displayed at widest parts and ends of load when exceeding 9 feet in width and/or 75 feet in length. For stretched or pole trailers, warning flags/lights must be attached to the underside of the load/vehicle, spaced no more than 20 feet apart.
    USE OF LIGHTS. Warning lights are required whenever signs are required. Lights may be flashing, strobe, or rotating beacon and must be visible from a distance of no less than 500 feet.
    USE OF SIGNS. Oversize Load signs required on front and rear of vehicle when width exceeds 12 foot 6 inches and/or length exceeds 95 feet. Signs must be lighted or of reflective material between sunset and sunrise and visible at least 500 feet.
    RIGHT OF WAY. If the Permittee is not able to yield the right way to oncoming traffic, or if the vehicle/load will encroach into an oncoming traffic lane, an escort by a licensed Peace Officer is required.
    ESCORT. Lead and rear certified pilot car escorts are required for widths greater than 14 foot 6 inch and/or lengths greater than 110 feet.
    Pilot car escort drivers must be trained and certified through the Minnesota Department of Public Safety's Certified Pilot Car Escort Driver Program, as required under MN Administrative Rules, Chapter 7455, and as administered by the MN State Patrol.
    An escort vehicle can only be a passenger automobile, light duty van, a two axle pickup or a two-axle single unit truck in proper operating condition.
    Convoying of OSOW vehicles is not allowed; a minimum ½ mile separation is required.
    POSTED ROAD OR BRIDGE. Permittee must comply with all posted road and bridge restrictions.
    HOURS OF MOVEMENT. Movement may be daily, continuous; subject to the following exceptions: (1) No move Friday and Sunday after 2 PM, between Memorial Day through Labor Day. (2) No movement on observed Holidays (New Year's, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). (3) No move from 2 PM the day before the holiday until 2 AM the day after the holiday. (4) No move on Special Events (Fishing Opener, Local Events, etc.). (5) Unless otherwise stated on the permit.
    SIDE OVERHANG. Although centered loading is preferred, offset loading is permissible. When offset loading is necessary, the majority of the overhang should be on the right side (shoulder side) of the vehicle as much as practical.
    VEHICLE BREAKDOWN. In the event of a vehicle breakdown, the vehicle(s) must be moved as far off the roadway as practical. Flares or reflective emergency triangles shall be placed around the vehicle as required by law to notify other motorists of a hazard.
    DIVISIBLE LOADING. A load must be reduced to its smallest practical size and/or weight.
    LEGAL DIMENSION LIMITATIONS. Legal width is 8 foot 6 inch; overall legal height is 13 foot 6 inch; overall legal length is as follows: single motor vehicle is 45 feet, mobile truck crane is 48 feet, semi trailer is 53 feet, with distance from king pin to center of rearmost axle group of 43 feet or less; single trailer, including tow bar is 45 feet; overall combination length is 75 feet.
    LEGAL WEIGHT LIMITATION. Minnesota statutes relating to legal weight limitations are included in the following sections: M.S. 169.822 through 169.824, and 169.87.
    LICENSE PLATES, MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION AND TAX. A County special hauling permit has no bearing on the vehicle (truck) weight registration. Vehicle registered weight must meet or exceed the gross vehicle weight shown on the permit.
    RESPONSIBILITY DURING MOVEMENT. When County agrees to allow an alteration of County property, it must be noted on the permit. When a Permittee must alter any portion of a roadway, bridge, signage, or right-of-way during a permit move, the Permittee is responsible for returning the roadway and right-of-way to the same condition, or better, than it was prior to the move. All alteration materials or supplies must be removed from the highway and right-of-way immediately after the move.
    LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE. The Permittee is responsible for any damage to the highway or its structures resulting from a willful or negligent act by the Permittee, as set forth in Minnesota Statute 169.88. Damages may be recovered through civil action or other remedial action defined by the department. In addition, the Permittee may be responsible for any personal property damage or injuries caused as a result of the Permittee's movement.
    OTHER JURISDICTION. Authorization for movement over roads other than Freeborn County highways must be obtained from the road authority having jurisdiction over the road.
    BUILDINGS. Movement of all buildings 16 feet wide by 20 feet long or larger shall be moved by a licensed building mover as per statute 221.81. A license can be obtained by calling the Department of Transportation at 651-405-6060.This does not include manufactured homes, modular homes or farmers moving their own farm buildings.

    I (we) understand the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapters 169.80 through 169.88 relating to size, weight, load restrictions and permits. I (we) certify that, except as noted herein, all regulations of the Chapters and other applicable laws will be strictly complied with.
    I (we) certify that this permit information is correct. If granted this permit, I (we) hereby agree to comply with all laws, regulations, limitations, terms, and conditions that apply to this movement and further state that I (we) have read the applicable laws and the information contained on the permit.
    The permittee agrees that all dimensions and weights shown are correct and if actual loaded weights or dimensions exceed what is indicated then the permit is invalid.
    I (we) understand and agree to pay any applicable fee(s) associated with this permit at the time of application.
    In accepting this permit, the permittee accepts all responsibility and liability for any personal injury, property damage, or time lost, which may occur in relation to the movement and in the event any claim is made against the County of Freeborn, or any Department, or employee thereof through, by reason of or in connection with any act or omission; permittee shall defend, indemnify and hold them harmless from any claim. The permittee agrees to repair at his/her expense and to the satisfaction of the Freeborn County Engineer any damage to highways, signs, or other appurtenances. Repairs may be done by Highway Department forces at the discretion of said Department and the cost of such work to be borne by permittee.

Invoice #8554 (07/16/2018)

Charge Cost Quantity Total
added 07/16/2018 11:13 AM

Last Half 2018 Annual Permit Fee; Additional overweight fees may apply.

$750.00 x 1 $750.00
Grand Total
Total $750.00
Payment 07/24/2018$750.00

Invoices for Company Single Trip Move


ApplicantFred Schroeder - 07/16/2018 11:13 AM
#1 Permitting AgentDaniel D. Kenison - 07/16/2018 11:14 AM
Application has been approved. All signatures have been obtained.
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